Endorsed by

Membership Criteria

Membership is allowed to Individuals and groups who endorse the objectives of the Association and have joined the Association in order to support the Association.

Any individual interested in the subject is welcome to be a member in the Association as long as said member remains in “good standing”.

A member is in “good standing” when: – the member pays his/her annual membership dues when required.

A member is no longer in “good standing” when: – the member fails to pay his/her annual membership dues when required.

In the judgment of the majority of the members, the member no longer supports the best interests of the Association.

A member should be able to perform the assigned tasks if necessary.

A member should be able to abide the rules and regulations of association.A member should be able to abide the rules and regulations of association.

Myanmar Digital Contents Association

:No.(57), Pyay Road, 6 ½miles, Yangon, Myanmar.

: +959 894 7977 74

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